Cuban-haitian program

IRIS-Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Services is providing assistance to Cubans & Haitians in Connecticut. These Services include:

  • Assistance with applications for cash assistance(DSS TFA/TANF), food stamps (DSS SNAP), health care, social security, and work authorization
  • Assistance connecting with English language classes and cultural groups
  • Individual case management
  • Routine monthly check-ins as needed
  • School enrollment assistance
  • Employment assistance
  • Community resource connections

We will evaluate your situation and offer case management services to those who qualify based on our current priorities.

This Cuban-Haitian program is an initiative of Integrated Refugee and Immigrant Services (IRIS) with offices in both New Haven and Hartford, Connecticut. This initiative is specifically designed to help only CUBAN and HAITIAN ENTRANTS that have arrived in the United States through the southern (Mexican) border, or that have entered and received a 2-Year Parole status through the CHNV (Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela) program and have a preexisting sponsor. All the information you provide in this form is confidential. Our organization is not government-affiliated; we are a non-profit organization.

Note: We do not offer employment services to community members without work permits.

ESPAÑOL: Por favor complete las siguientes preguntas y nos comunicaremos con usted lo antes posible.

Evaluaremos su situación y ofreceremos servicios de administración de casos a quienes califiquen según nuestras prioridades actuales.

Este es un programa de los Servicios Integrados para Refugiados e Inmigrantes (IRIS) en New Haven y de IRIS en Hartford CT para ayudar a LOS ENTRANTES CUBANOS y HAITIANOS que ingresan por la frontera sur (mexicana) o que han ingresado a través de la libertad condicional de 2 años. a través del programa CHNV y tiene un patrocinador con servicios en nuestra comunidad. Toda la información que usted proporcione en este formulario es confidencial. Nuestra organización no está afiliada al gobierno; somos una organización sin fines de lucro.

Nota: No ofrecemos servicios de empleo a miembros de la comunidad sin permisos de trabajo.

Kreyòl ayisyen: Tanpri ranpli kesyon sa yo, epi nou pral kontakte ou pi vit posib.

Nou ap evalye sitiyasyonw lan epi nou p ofri sèvis jesyon ka bay moun ki kalifye dapre priyorite nou yo kounye a.

Sa a se yon pwogram nan Integrated Refugee and Immigrant Services (IRIS) nan New Haven, ak IRIS nan Hartford CT pou ede ANTRE KIBEN ak AYISYEN ki ap antre nan fwontyè sid la (Meksiken), oswa ki te antre nan Kiben an, Ayisyen, Pwogram Nikaragwa, Venezelyen (CHNV) ak yon Sponsor ak sèvis nan kominote nou an. Tout enfòmasyon ou bay nan fòm sa a konfidansyèl. Òganizasyon nou an pa afilye ak gouvènman an; nou se yon òganizasyon ki pa gen pwofi.

Nòt: Nou pa ofri sèvis travay bay manm kominote a san pèmi travay.

Following ‘tsunami’ of Trump immigration orders, CT resettlement agency closes offices, cuts staff

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