know your rights

Beware of Immigration Scams!

Use this information from to avoid common immigration scams or if you suspect you are a victim of immigration fraud. 

know your rights 4 immigrants app

 This app is available in 16 languages, primarily Asian languages. It has the ability to read your rights out loud to an ICE or law enforcement agent and send a message to an emergency contact. It has other resources as well such as the ability to look up a consulate and a sample family preparedness plan. Available for the Iphone, and will be ready for android phones soon.


New Haven releases resources guide to help local immigrant community know their rights.


Immigration Resources: Family Preparedness Plan

To assist families who have concerns about immigration enforcement, particularly in regards to the possibility of the deportation or detainment of guardians and the impact that it could have on their children, the Connecticut Governor’s Office has developed a useful toolkit that people can utilize.

-Governor Ned Lamont’s resource portal

Download the Connecticut Family Preparedness Plan

Haitian Creole


Videos On How To Deal With ICE

For undocumented immigrants feeling fearful or uncertain about changes in U.S. immigration policies, it’s important to remember that there are steps you can take to protect yourself and your family. Resources are available to help you understand your options, including applying for work permits, exploring immigration relief programs, and accessing legal assistance. You are not alone, and taking action now can make a difference. Click the link below to access a dedicated page with detailed guidance, tools, and support to help you navigate this challenging time.

Printable Resources

Printable resources for immigrants | Recursos imprimibles para inmigrantes | Resous enprimab pou imigran

Asylum Seeker Advocacy Project

ASAP creates resources that help asylum seekers navigate the legal system, stay up to date on critical news, and succeed in their cases.

Amid funding loss and fear, CT run for refugees to be biggest ever.

Read full article via Hartford Courant