Ukrainian assistance program

We will evaluate your situation and offer case management services to those who qualify based on our current priorities.

This Ukranian Assistance Program is an initiative of Integrated Refugee and Immigrant Services (IRIS), an independent non-profit organization. Operating in both New Haven and Hartford, this program is designed to help Ukrainian Parolees that are coming through the southern (Mexican) border, or that have entered through the Ukranian for Ukranians program with a preexisiting sponsor already present in the United States. All the information you provide in this form is confidential. Our organization is not government-affiliated; we are a non-profit organization.

Note: We are unable to provide services for clients that arrived into the U.S after October 1st 2024, unless they are the spouse or child of someone who arrived prior to September 30th.
Although you are currently not be eligible for services at IRIS, please proceed to provide your information. By providing your information, we will be able to contact you in the event that current administration policies change and you become eligible to recieve assistance.
By providing your information, which will remain confidential, we will be able to accurately determine the level of need required to adequately advocate for and provide assistance in support of the Ukranian community in Connecticut.

Ми оцінимо вашу ситуацію та запропонуємо послуги з ведення справи тим, хто відповідає вимогам відповідно до наших поточних пріоритетів.

Це програма Інтегрованих служб біженців та іммігрантів (IRIS) у Нью-Гейвені та IRIS у Хартфорді, Коннектикут, щоб допомогти українським умовно-достроково звільненим, які прибувають через південний (мексиканський) кордон, або які прибули через програму U4U та мають спонсора, з послугами в нашій спільноті. Уся інформація, яку ви надаєте в цій формі, є конфіденційною. Наша організація не є державною філією; ми некомерційна організація.

Примітка. Ми не можемо надавати послуги клієнтам, які прибули до США після 1 жовтня 2024 року, якщо вони не є дружиною або дитиною когось, хто прибув до 30 вересня. Незважаючи на те, що ви не матимете права на послуги iris, ми збираємо інформацію, щоб у випадку, якщо ви станете відповідним, ми могли зв’язатися з вами напряму. Наша наглядова організація (Church World Services) попросила нас надати кількість українців, які в’їхали після 1 жовтня кожного місяця. Ми віримо, що ця інформація допоможе показати уряду потребу в нашій українській громаді.

Refugee Family from Ukraine

She fled Ukraine for a Normal Life

© Jen Vickery

Before the war, Iryna and her daughter lived with her parents in a suburb of Kyiv. On Dec. 9th, 2022, she was at home caring for her 4-year-old daughter when they heard explosions.

The only shelter they had was an outdoor cellar separated from their home, so Iryna had to run across her yard with her 4-year old to get to the shelter.

The next day, she decided to leave, but her parents refused to come along. Her 60-year old father wanted to stay to defend his country and her mother refused to leave her father alone. Iryna headed towards the Polish border, where she was soon joined by her sister and her sister’s three children.

Ukraine refugee family story

One year later: A Ukrainian Mother starts over in CT

My name is Masha,* I am a mom of three beautiful kids. We arrived here with my sister and her daughter 9 months ago. My kids and I used to live in a small charming city, Bucha, 15 minutes away from Kyiv. We loved our small apartment and our time together. I loved my job, and my kids loved their school and friends. Most of all, the kids loved the moments when my mom and dad came to visit us. It has already been a year since they saw their grandparents for the last time. It has already been a year since they saw their dad for the last time. It’s so hard.

I still remember that morning when Russia invaded Ukraine. I remember the helicopters that flew over our house and bombed the airport in the city next to ours. We saw it through our kitchen window. I remember the basement where we slept for two weeks, the longest weeks in my life. I remember the fear on my kids’ faces when they saw tanks and burned bodies next to those tanks. It was a nightmare.

Refugee resettlement in CT at risk as executive orders upend IRIS

Read full article via CT Mirror