IRIS-Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Services

Why We Co-Sponsor

IRIS partners with community groups throughout Connecticut to help refugee families restart their lives in towns across the state. Community Co-sponsors play an integral role in helping refugees become self-sufficient and get off to a strong start in their new home country. Co-sponsorship is a collaboration among IRIS, your community group, and a refugee family.


© Blind River Media and Open Society Foundations

Resettlement progress

In a co-sponsorship, IRIS delegates most resettlement tasks to your group. Co-sponsors secure affordable housing, collect furniture and other household items, and help refugees access public benefits (HUSKY/Medicaid, SNAP/food stamps, and TFA/cash assistance for eligible families). Co-sponsors also enroll children in school, facilitate job searches, and perform other necessary tasks. IRIS looks forward to partnering with your community group in the tremendous mission of refugee resettlement!

Churches, synagogues, mosques and non-faith-based community groups have already answered the call to help refugees resettle throughout Connecticut. See where Co-sponsors have already welcomed families on the map to the left.

Want to become a sponsor?

  1. Read the following materials:
  1. SIGN UP for a Co-Sponsorship Orientation
  2. Organize your group (See our template for resettlement teams and this sample committee structure). 
  3. Complete and submit a Co-sponsorship Application and send to (See our Guide to Co-Sponsorship Application)
  4. Attend Co-Sponsorship Training (Note: Group members can attend training prior to submitting the application). 
  5. Click Here for more information for Co-Sponsors (resources for moving from the Application Phase to the Green Light Phase of resettling a family). 
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